Awesome perspective


Thank you for joining us in our new Blog. We, recently, completed our first Blog that we entitled, “what is the value of a penny or a person?”. The purpose of that Blog was to help individuals, who were struggling with financial issues, to take a look at their current situation and project what their life would be like in 1 year if their circumstances remained the way they are. We suggested that, with our guidance, their life could improve greatly, within 1 year, by changing how they do things.

We suggested that they take their eyes off their own situation, for a moment, and look around their neighborhood and focus on other people, for a bit, and try to make a new friend. The point was to help them see that they are not alone in their situation, that other people struggle too and that, usually, all anyone struggling needs is a friend to come alongside just to have someone to talk to and, by doing so, they might discover that, between the 2 of them, they might find a solution to their problem or, at the very least, have the comfort of someone to share their burdens with.

We, also, challenged them to start a coin collection by finding a single penny and every day, for 30 days, double their collection.

Our program, as we called it, was offered to them for FREE, we never asked for any money. The penny collection was for them to keep and was also a teaching tool to guide them in how to network, in order to help solve their problems.

Our goal is to help people who are struggling financially, socially, emotionally, mentally, physically and spiritually to find a solution to improve their situation and to have a better life. We don’t ask for money, or anything else, this is one way that we are using to contribute to our community in a positive way.

Now, for today’s lesson, we would like for you to imagine an image; paint a picture in your mind, so to speak, from what we are about to present.

Consider a fantastic mountain view with a pristine lake at its base being fed from a massive waterfall streaming down from the cliffs above. The lake is teaming with all manner of life, from various species of fish to exotic plant life and, on the shoreline, a lovely sandy beach surrounds the entire lake.

Beyond the beach you find an abundance of trees and plant life as well as a myriad of animal life enjoying the abundant supply of fruit and berries that grow, uninhibited, in the ever expanding valley spreading out in every direction, from the lake, and stretching out as far as the eye can see.

As we peruse the area, from above, as though we were in some sort of aircraft, we notice that the lake has several streams flowing from it in every direction and, as we observe these streams, we notice that they form many tributaries that meander through the valley, bringing life to every part of the valley.

As you focus on the illustration you pictured in your mind, the valley is where most of the people, along with the plant and animal life that they need for nourishment, exist. It’s plain to see that the inhabitants are extremely dependent on the surrounding plant and animal life to keep them alive. Neither the people nor the plants and animals, could exist, if there was no water to give them life.

Therefore, they are totally dependent on the streams to bring water, from the lake, to feed them. Since the streams have a continuous connection to the lake, they are able to provide, not only, life-giving water to the valley, but also any fish that flow through them, downstream. So, it is extremely important that the streams connection to the lake remains intact.

Now that you have this image, that we portrayed, you are, likely, wondering why we want you to imagine all of this. Well, as we said previously, our goal is to help people in need. In a moment, we will make this all clear but we have another image for you first.

Consider this, let’s suppose that all the streams were dammed up and there was no water flowing from the lake into the streams. Without water, the streams would be nothing more than ditches, or  ruts, that only make traveling difficult and actually become a threat to any passers-by who might fall in. Also, without water, all the plants and animals in the valley would , eventually, die and so would the inhabitants.

Let us go a step further and focus our attention on the lake for a moment. What exactly is the lake and what is its purpose, its function? First of all, it just happens to be situated in the right place to allow it to be filled with water, from the waterfall, allowing the life-giving water to flow to the streams.

One of the benefits of the lake is that, as long as the waterfall is supplying a continuous fresh supply of water, it allows for the lake to be teaming with all manner of life, from various species of fish to exotic plant life providing nourishment to the inhabitants of the valley, as long as the streams are not blocked.

It, also, provides life and a safe place for fish and plants to exist that would provide additional nourishment for the valley, allowing the inhabitants to have a richer, more abundant life.

But, now, with all the streams dammed up, the inhabitants of the valley would have no water, their lives would become extremely difficult and they might even die.

The valley represents people, in your neighborhood, who are in need physically, spiritually, emotionally, mentally, socially and financially because their source of supply has become dammed up. You see the need and want to help but you feel that you have nothing to offer because you are in the same situation and you see yourself as nothing more than a useless hole in the ground or stuck in a rut going nowhere and always being in the way.

The truth is that you have more to offer than you think. You need to change your perspective, you need to rise above your situation and see your position from God’s perspective.

The very fact that you even see that there is a need proves that God has designed streams, from you, to those in need. Right now they just look like ruts, until you connect them to the life-giving source by undamming the lake and allowing God to pour out His blessings, to them, through you. But how do you do that, you ask?

The most important thing for you to realize is that, on your own, you really are nothing but an empty hole (a dried up lake), that can only harm these people, unless you rely on the source (God), which, in our scenario, is represented by the mountain, and the waterfall represents all the blessings that flow from Him. When you turn to God and ask Him to help you help those people, and really mean it, He will fill your lake with more than ample supply to meet every need; all you need to do is remove the dams (one at a time, if necessary) and the benefit to you is that, while the supply is flowing through your lake, you get to enjoy the use of it.

Here’s the kicker, you need to make sure you, accurately, position yourself in a place where you get the most benefit from the waterfall so that, as your lake overflows, it feeds the streams that can help keep the inhabitants of the valley alive.

In order to understand how to position yourself where you need to be, you need to recognize that you need God’s help, REPENT (turn from doing things your way and ASK God to help you), ASK Jesus to be your Savior and make Him Lord of your life by reading His Word (the Bible) and doing what He says to do.

We suggest you visit our original site @ and read through all pages listed in the index, starting from “Our Story”, through to the end and pay special attention to the parts where we discuss how to have a relationship with God, especially the one called “KNOCK,KNOCK…” or click the following link ( or copy it into your browser (without the brackets, of course).

We know this will take time, but REMEMBER, time is in God’s hands, never rush anything but don’t waste time either. You go with your heart and follow the teaching provided and God will make sure that you are in the right place at the right time as long as you continue to follow His leading. REMEMBER; every major accomplishment goes through a construction phase and if you’ve ever watched something being built, it usually doesn’t look very pretty or functional until it’s done.

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